If you refer to MARLEY in academic work, please always cite the following reference:

S. Gardiner, Simulating low-energy neutrino interactions with MARLEY, Comput. Phys. Commun. 269, 108123, arXiv:2101.11867 [nucl-th] (2021).

In publications which use the official reaction input files for charged-current scattering on argon-40 (i.e., any of the files in data/react whose names begin with ve40ArCC), please also cite the paper describing their preparation:

S. Gardiner, Nuclear de-excitations in low-energy charged-current νe scattering on 40Ar, Phys. Rev. C 103, 044604, arXiv:2010.02393 [nucl-th] (2021).

Providing a citation for the MARLEY code itself is also encouraged and appreciated. To maximize reproducibility of published calculations, such citations should include the digital object identifier (DOI) associated with the code release that was used. The DOIs for recent versions of MARLEY are listed on the GitHub releases webpage and in the right-hand column of the Zenodo “concept DOI” webpage.

For convenience, recommended BibTeX citations to use for the latest MARLEY release are given in the CITATION.bib file.